For many parents, talking with their teens about sex can feel awkward and uncomfortable. Reasons for these feelings vary. For many parents who are parenting today’s generation of teens, they themselves did not receive a lot of guidance, if any, from their own parents about these topics that were often considered taboo and something you only talk about in hushed tones or only after risky behavior choices have already been happening.
As an added challenge to an already difficult topic to navigate, parents are also dealing with circumstances they themselves never experienced due to the ever-available access to the internet via smartphones and other internet-ready devices.
Yet, it is because of the lack of guidance parents may have received in their own coming-of-age years and how easily accessible varied information about sex is for teens now that talking with our teens is pivotal to their own growth and understanding about sexuality.
Pure and Simple Truth for Youth desires to help parents navigate these important times and conversations with their teens by offering resources and encouragement as well as practical tips for how to have those conversations. Check out the Parenting Resources page and mark your calendars to attend the 1st-Annual Parenting Seminar with National speaker and author, Kelsey Skoch, on Saturday, November 9th, 2024, 6:30 – 9 pm at the Church of the Resurrection.

Teens today are being influenced by a constant stream of diverse sources and some parents may feel like their input is ineffective, especially when met with typical resistance from their teens upon broaching the topic. Yet, parenting experts maintain that parents and trusted adults still affect a major influence on their children. Chris Ebberwein, PH.D, an experienced psychologist who has raised five children, encourages parents to know their involvement in their teens life does matter even as their teens priorities and circle of influence evolves.
“Adolescence often involves a shift toward more time with friends, but research shows that parents can still have a greater impact on behavior than a child’s peers. This research finding highlights families where parents set clear expectations for living out their values and reinforce those values by way of positive family time and appropriate monitoring. Peer pressure can be real for sure, but research bears out that family expectations communicated clearly and consistently help children know what to choose when difficult choices arise.”
Kesley Skoch is excited to come to Wichita and share wisdom and encouragement for parents to confidently invite their teens into these important conversations. Register today to save your seats for this informative and affirming event!