Bingo for Truth March 29, 2025
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At Pure & Simple Truth for Youth, we strive to give youth the opportunity to hear the truth about who they are so that they can know how best to approach topics like self-awareness and self-image, relationships, love and sexual integrity with the appropriate respect and care.

At Pure and Simple Truth for Youth

We recognize the negative impacts of distorted or incomplete information regarding life and love – especially sex – which today’s youth are exposed to.

Parent Resources

Empowering Students

We Believe in empowering young people to become who they are fully made to be and to make well-informed decisions based on a foundation of Truth and Love.

Whole Person Identity

Whole Person Identity

Unlike traditional “Abstinence Education” or “safe-sex” programs, which only focus on the physical aspect, we focus on the whole Person so that our generation’s youth and families can develop a greater appreciation of their full dignity and worth as human persons.

Our Approach

Rather than using fear-based messages, we present clear facts coupled with compassionate and experience-based advice about life’s choices. We hope to prepare young people to make decisions based on an accurate understanding of what it means to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Give TRUTH Today!

With our approach to sharing the truth about identity, relationships, and sexual integrity, Pure & Simple Truth for Youth equips our generation’s youth to lead their lives courageously, confidently, and abundantly.

“In today’s culture, we need our youth to hear the truth about sexuality, not fragmented misinformation. Our young people are seeking answers to who they are and where they belong in the world and Pure and Simple offers our youth a whole person appreciation of themselves…They are changing the lives and impacting our youth in such a positive way!”

Janet Eaton, Superintendent of Wichita Catholic schools

“I write to promote the work of Pure & Simple Truth for Youth, Inc…This inspiring mission is certainly needed in our time. I encourage you to welcome them to your parish to share the marvelous truth to an audience who so deeply needs to hear it.”

Carl Kemme, Bishop of Wichita